email me at rosenreport@gmail.com with your email address. Cant see it from here. THANKS for the kind words.

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Eric, I have a complaint. You're contributing to me becoming time poor. Your newsletter has become so good that I need to allocate twice as much time to read it versus the last few years. You are doing a great job and its evolved into a very professional, informative report.

I've been CEO or a Board member of several restaurant chains and I remember grocery prices. For decades, the restaurant industry tracked the "at home and away from home" inflation indexes, so, I remember prices and agree with you. Inflation is understated. Eggs which you commented on last newsletter haven't moved a lot on the upscale eggs but the jumbo eggs(use them for egg whites) at both Publix and Winn Dixie while lower than their peak, in the last few months are each up over 30% from their post Covid lows. Many items like soft drinks and my favorite Pepperidge Farms cookies are up 40-50% over the past 3+ years.

I've read your posts about Israel and am totally anguished with what's happened and what may follow. I don't belong to a synagogue because too many Rabbis and congregations replaced a spiritual experience with a political agenda. I'm personally a social moderate and a fiscal conservative. My sister, who goes weekly, recently resigned her 50+ year membership because the left wing diatribes from the pulpit became too much for her to take. I'd like to support Israel but I don't want my donation to pass thru the many far left Jewish clergy and synagogues. Do you have an organization you can recommend that's either apolitical or politically conservative where my donation can go to those in need in Israel?

Will appreciate your suggestions and again, congrats on a first class publication.

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